
Showing posts from February, 2015

Unity3d wrong use of rigid body

Today one developer is complaining about his game got stuck and not run smoothly, that is why I decided to highlight the common mistake developer do is the wrong use of collisions between objects. * Never use the rigid body on object which is continuously in contact with other Game objects in the    scene, this will consume all ram on mathematical calculations and  device will not perform    smoothly .        

Our New Game In Progress Screen Shots

These are screen shots of our new android game which is under progress,  Enjoy and give feed back

unity3d Game Optimization

Optimizing code and making game efficient is a very important part of game development. There are many different types of techniques for game optimization. Here are some of the tips. 1. Making Prefabs (objects which are used more frequently in your game). 2. Writing efficient Code. 3. Using less classes. 4. Using reasonable graphics 5. Avoid making cubes and planes using with JPEG real high resolution pictures as textures. 6. Defining reasonable camera vision for 3-D  games.